An Amazon Kdp account is a publishing platform that allows authors to publish and sell their books in the Kindle Store. It also provides tools to help authors promote their books and reach new readers.
If you want to publish and sell your own eBooks, you’ll need to create an Amazon KDP account. This account will allow you to upload your book files, set prices, and manage your sales. In this post, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a KDP account and show you how to get started selling your books on Amazon.
Publish My Book On Amazon | Create KDP Account
What is Amazon Kdp And How Does It Work?
Amazon KDP is a self-publishing platform that allows authors to publish and sell their books in both digital and print formats. The service is free to use, and authors can choose to either receive a 70% royalty on sales or have their books enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited program, which gives them access to an unlimited number of book downloads for a monthly fee. To get started with Amazon KDP, authors first need to create an account on the Amazon website.
Once they have done this, they can then upload their book manuscript as a PDF file. After the manuscript has been uploaded, authors can then add cover art and set a price for their book. Once these steps have been completed, Amazon will then convert the PDF file into a format that can be read on Kindle devices and make it available for purchase on the Amazon website.
Is Amazon Kdp Different from Amazon?
Amazon KDP is different from Amazon in a few key ways. First, Amazon KDP is a CreateSpace on-demand printing and publishing service while Amazon is an online retailer. Second, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) offers authors 70% royalties for their work while Amazon pays authors based on a sliding scale that starts at 35%.
Finally, only books published through KDP can be included in the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library (KOLL), which allows Prime members to borrow one book per month for free.
Do I Need an Amazon Seller Account for Kdp?
No, you don’t need an Amazon Seller account to use Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). You can use your regular account to sign up for KDP. However, if you’re a professional or independent publisher who plans to publish multiple books on Amazon, you may want to consider opening a Seller account.
Doing so will give you access to additional features and benefits, such as the ability to offer your books for sale in other markets outside of the United States and access to expanded distribution options.
How Much Does It Cost to Join Kdp?
It costs nothing to join KDP. However, if you would like to have your book distributed through their expanded distribution channels, there is a charge of $39 per title.

Amazon Kdp for Beginners
If you are an author who is looking to self-publish your work, then you may be wondering if Amazon KDP is the right platform for you. In this article, we will give you a detailed overview of what Amazon KDP is, how it works, and whether or not it is the right fit for your needs as an author. What is Amazon KDP?
Amazon KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing. It is a self-publishing platform that allows authors to publish their work directly to Kindle devices and apps. When you publish through Amazon KDP, your book will be available for purchase on and other retailers that sell Kindle books.
How does Amazon KDP work? When you publish your book on Amazon KDP, you will be able to choose between two different royalty options: 35% or 70%. The 70% royalty option requires that you price your book between $2.99 and $9.99, and it also comes with certain geographical restrictions (for example, it may not be available in certain countries).
With the 35% royalty option, there are no such restrictions; however, you will only earn 35% of the list price of your book. Once you have chosen your royalty option and priced your book accordingly, you will need to create a cover image and upload your manuscript file (in PDF or Word format). After that, you can preview your book to make sure everything looks the way you want it to before publishing.
Is Amazon KDP right for me? Now that we’ve answered the question “what is Amazon KDP?,” let’s talk about whether or not it is the right fit for your needs as an author. If you are interested in self-publishing and reaching a wide audience of readers, then yes – Amazon KDP is definitely worth considering!
Not only will publishing on this platform make your book available on one of the largest online retailers (with millions of potential customers), but it’s also relatively easy to use and straightforward compared to some other self-publishing platforms out there. Another major benefit of using Amazon KPD is that they offer powerful marketing tools to help promote your book once it’s published – including things like Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions. If used correctly, these tools can help increase sales significantly… which means more royalties in YOUR pocket!
Amazon Kdp Account Set Up
If you want to publish a book on Amazon, you’ll need to set up a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account. Here’s how: 1. Go to and create an account.
You’ll need to provide your name, email address, and mailing address. 2. Once you’ve created your account, sign in and click on the “Add a New Title” button. 3. Enter your book’s information, including title, author name, description, keywords, and category.
Be sure to select “I want to enroll this book in KDP Select.” This will allow you to enroll your book in Kindle Unlimited and make it available for borrowing by Prime members. 4. Upload your manuscript file and cover image.
Your manuscript must be in .doc or .docx format; it cannot exceed 5 MB. For best results, we recommend using a professional cover designer for your cover image (.jpg or .tif format). If you don’t have a cover image yet, you can still upload your manuscript now and add the cover later when it’s ready.
5 After you’ve uploaded your files, scroll down to the “Pricing” section and set your price for each territory where you want to sell your book: United States ($), Canada ($), United Kingdom (£), Germany (€), India (₹), or Australia ($). If applicable, enter any taxes that may apply to the sale of your book in each territory under “Tax Settings.” When you’re finished making changes in the Pricing section, scroll down and click “Save & Continue.”
6 On the next page (“Rights & DRM”), leave everything as-is unless you have special circumstances that require changing these settings; then click “Save & Continue.” 7 The final page is titled “Publish Your Book.” Scroll down and click on the big orange button that says “Publish Now.”
Congratulations—you’re a published author!
Should I Use My Personal Amazon Account for Kdp
Are you an Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) author? If so, you may be wondering if you should use your personal Amazon account or create a new one just for your KDP publishing business. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of both options to help you decide which is right for you.
The Pros of Using Your Personal Amazon Account for KDP There are a few advantages to using your personal Amazon account for your KDP business. First, it’s easy and convenient.
You don’t have to set up and manage another account, remember another username and password, or keep track of two different sets of books. Second, if you’re already an established Amazon customer with a good reputation, that can give you a leg up in the rankings and help you sell more books. Finally, if people who know you personally find out that you’ve written a book, they’re more likely to buy it if they can just add it to their existing Amazon cart rather than having to set up an entirely new account elsewhere.
The Cons of Using Your Personal Amazon Account for KDP That said, there are also some drawbacks to using your personal Amazon account for your KDP business. First, it can be difficult to separate your personal purchases from your business expenses come tax time.
Second, if people who know you personally find out that you’ve written a book, they may feel pressure to buy it even if they’re not interested in the subject matter – which could lead to negative reviews and lowered sales down the line. Finally, if something goes wrong with your book – say, someone hacks into your account and changes the price – it could reflect poorly on both you and Amazon as a whole. So weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding which option is right for you.
Amazon KDP is a service that allows authors to publish and distribute their books in digital formats. It is also a platform for marketing your book to Amazon customers.