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What is Amazon Kdp Select


KDP Select is a program for self-publishing authors that offers exclusive publishing rights to Amazon in exchange for marketing benefits and royalties. The author gives Amazon the right to sell their book as an exclusive Kindle ebook for a period of 90 days, during which time the author cannot sell or distribute their book anywhere else. In return, Amazon provides promotional tools and opportunities, including Kindle Countdown Deals and free Kindle books through the Kindle Lending Library.

Amazon KDP Select is a program that allows authors to make their books available exclusively through the Kindle Store. In exchange for this exclusivity, authors earn royalties based on the number of Kindle Unlimited and Prime Reading borrows they accrue.

What is KDP Select?


What is the Difference between Kdp And Kdp Select?

If you’re a self-publisher, you’ve likely heard of Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and KDP Select. But what’s the difference between the two? KDP is Amazon’s e-book publishing platform.

It’s available to anyone who wants to publish an e-book, regardless of whether they’re enrolled in KDP Select or not. With KDP, you can make your book available for sale on, and you can also enroll in their lending library program (which we’ll talk more about later). KDP Select is an optional program that authors can enroll their books in.

When you enroll in KDP Select, your book is included in the Kindle Unlimited lending library and also made available for exclusive free downloads through Prime Reading. Enrolling in KDP Select comes with some other benefits as well, which we’ll discuss later on. So what’s the difference between these two programs?

Let’s take a closer look: 1. Distribution Channels The biggest difference between KDP and KDP Select is the distribution channels that are available to you.

With KDP alone, you’re only able to distribute your book through However, when you enroll in KPD Select, your book becomes eligible for inclusion in the Kindle Unlimited lending library and Prime Reading—both of which are programs that allow readers to borrow books for free with no due dates. This means that potential readers who may not have otherwise found your book could discover it through one of these programs and end up reading it (and hopefully enjoying it!).

2. Exclusivity Requirements Another big difference between these two programs is the exclusivity requirement. In order to participate in KPD Select, your book must be exclusive to the Amazon Kindle Store—meaning it cannot be published anywhere else (not even on your personal website or blog).

This can be a big decision for some authors because it limits where they can publish their work; however, many authors find that the benefits of being included in Kindle Unlimited and Prime Reading outweigh this downside . . . especially if their goal is reach as many potential readers as possible!

What Does It Mean to Enroll in Kdp Select?

If you’re a self-published author on Amazon, enrolling in KDP Select means opting into an exclusivity agreement. This means that for the duration of your enrollment, your ebooks can only be sold on Amazon. In exchange for this exclusivity, you’re given access to a number of promotional tools and opportunities, as well as the ability to earn royalties from Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library.

Enrolling in KDP Select is entirely optional, but many authors find that the benefits outweigh any potential drawbacks. If you’re considering enrolling in KDP Select, here’s everything you need to know. The first thing to understand about KDP Select is that it’s an all-or-nothing program.

Once you enroll in KDP Select, all of your eligible books must be exclusive to the Amazon platform. This means they can’t be sold or distributed anywhere else – not even on your own website or blog. If you have any books that are already enrolled in other programs (like Smashwords), you’ll need to unenroll them before enrolling in KDP Select.

The second thing to know is that there is a 90-day commitment period when you enroll in KDP Select. After 90 days, you can choose to renew your enrollment for another 90 days, or opt out of the program entirely. Once you’ve decided to enroll in KDP Select, there are a few different ways to promote your book(s).

One way is through the Kindle Unlimited program, which allows readers who pay a monthly subscription fee unlimited access to read select Kindle books – including yours! When someone borrows your book from Kindle Unlimited, you’ll earn a royalty based on how long they read it (not just how many pages). Another promotional opportunity available through KDP Select is the ability to offer your ebook(s) for free for up to 5 days every 90 day period.

This can be an effective way to boost downloads and attract new readers – especially if you pair it with some strategic marketing (like running ads or promoting the free days on social media). The final way that authors can make use of KDP Select is by participating in the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library (KOLL).

Can I Get Out of Kdp Select?

Yes, you can get out of KDP Select. According to Amazon, “If you decide you would like to leave the program early, or if your book is no longer eligible for the program, contact us and we’ll process your request within 5 business days.” It’s important to note that if you do leave KDP Select, all books that were enrolled in the program will be automatically unenrolled.

This means that those books will no longer have access to Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, and they will no longer be eligible for promotional benefits like Free Days and Countdown Deals.

Is Kdp Select Permanent?

As an author, you might be wondering if KDP Select is the right choice for you and your book. After all, it’s a big decision to make! So, is KDP Select permanent?

The answer is: no, KDP Select is not permanent. You can cancel your participation at any time. However, once you opt in to KDP Select, you cannot opt out for 90 days.

This means that if you decide to cancel your participation, you won’t be able to re-enroll in the program for 90 days. So why would someone want to participate in KDP Select? There are a few reasons.

First, when you enroll in KDP Select, your book will be included in Kindle Unlimited (KU), which is a subscription service that allows readers to read an unlimited number of books for a monthly fee. This can help increase your book’s visibility and potentially lead to more sales. In addition, when you enroll in KDP Select, you’re also able to offer your book as a freebie for 5 days out of every 90-day period.

This can be a great way to attract new readers and get people interested in your work. And finally, when you enroll in KDP Select, Amazon will pay you a royalty of 70% of the list price on each borrow through Kindle Unlimited or the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library (KOLL).

What is Amazon Kdp Select


Kdp Vs Kdp Select

When it comes to choosing between KDP and KDP Select, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Both platforms have their own unique set of features and benefits, so it’s important to choose the one that’s right for you and your book. Here are a few things to consider when making your decision:

1. What kind of books do you want to publish? If you want to publish ebooks, then KDP is the better option. If you want to publish both ebooks and print books, then KDP Select might be a better fit.

2. How much control do you want over pricing? With KDP, you have complete control over pricing. With KDP Select, Amazon sets the price for your ebook (but you still get 70% royalties).

3. Are you willing to exclusivity with Amazon? With KDP Select, your book must be exclusive to Amazon for at least 90 days. This means it cannot be published anywhere else during that time period (including on other ebook platforms like Barnes & Noble’s Nook or Apple’s iBooks store).

4. Do you want access to additional marketing tools? KDP Select offers authors access to Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Countdown Deals – two programs that can help boost sales and reach new readers.

Kdp Select Worth It

KDP Select is a program that allows authors to enroll their books in Kindle Unlimited and receive payments for every page read. It’s a great way to reach new readers, but is it worth it? Here’s everything you need to know about KDP Select before you make your decision.

First, let’s look at the benefits of KDP Select. Enrolling in KDP Select means your book will be available to Kindle Unlimited subscribers, who can read as much as they want for a monthly fee. You’ll receive payment for every page they read of your book, which can add up to a lot of money if your book is popular.

You’ll also get access to exclusive promotional tools, such as the ability to offer your book for free for 5 days every 90 days. This can help you attract new readers and boost sales. Now let’s look at the downside of KDP Select.

First, you’re giving up some control over your book. Kindle Unlimited subscribers can borrow your book for free, which means you won’t earn any royalties on those reads. Additionally, you’re exclusivity with Amazon, which means you can’t sell your book anywhere else during the enrollment period (which is typically 90 days).

And finally, there’s no guarantee that enrolling in KDP Select will actually lead to more sales or more money in your pocket – it all depends on how popular your book ends up being with Kindle Unlimited subscribers. So what’s the verdict? Is KDP Select worth it?

There’s no easy answer – it depends on each author’s individual goals and circumstances. If you’re hoping to reach a wider audience and don’t mind giving up some control over your book, then KDP Select could be a good option for you. But if you’re not interested in exclusivity or willing to take the risk that enrolling might not lead to any additional sales, then it might not be worth it after all.

Kdp Select Pros And Cons

KDP Select is a program that allows authors to make their ebooks available exclusively through Amazon. In exchange for this exclusivity, authors are able to participate in the Kindle Unlimited program and earn royalties based on how often their books are borrowed. There are pros and cons to participation in KDP Select.

Some authors find that they earn more royalties through the program, while others find that they sell fewer books overall. There is also some debate about whether or not the exclusivity required by KDP Select is worth it, as it limits an author’s ability to sell their book through other channels. Here are some things to consider if you’re thinking about enrolling in KDP Select:

The Pros: -You can earn higher royalties through Kindle Unlimited borrows than you would from sales alone. -You have the potential to reach a wider audience through Kindle Unlimited.

-You can offer your ebook for free for 5 days every 90 days, which can help boost sales and attract new readers. -Enrolling in KDP Select gives you access to exclusive marketing tools, such as Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions. The Cons:

-Your ebook must be exclusive to Amazon, which means you can’t sell it anywhere else (including on your own website). -Not all readers subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, which means your book might not be seen by as many people as it would if it were available on other platforms. -It can be difficult to track your sales and royalties earned when your book is part of Kindle Unlimited, making it hard to gauge the success of your marketing efforts.


Amazon KDP Select is a new program from Amazon that allows authors to enroll their books in Kindle Unlimited, a new subscription service from Amazon. With this program, authors can earn royalties based on the number of Kindle Unlimited borrows their book receives each month.


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